Flickr upload instructions
- Sign up to Flickr -- if you have not done so already.
- Log in with your browser.
- Go to Settings, then Privacy & Permissions. You will find the entry: What license will your content have. Change it to: Attribution Creative Commons. This will allow us to legally use and share your images. Alternatively, you can set this for each individual picture after uploading.
- Upload your images using the Flickr mobile app or using your computer browser. Make sure your photos are public.
- While or after uploading, add the tag: tacodataset. This will allow us to find it.
Guideline: Be sensible with your pictures: Avoid repetitive images, make sure objects are clear (feel free to use HDR) and bear in mind that images need to be segmented by a human, so please don't upload images of a landfill with hundreds of waste objects. No one in her/his right mind would annotate that. Aim for 1 to 20 objects per image.