Flickr upload instructions

  1. Sign up to Flickr -- if you have not done so already.
  2. Log in with your browser.
  3. Go to Settings, then Privacy & Permissions. You will find the entry: What license will your content have. Change it to: Attribution Creative Commons. This will allow us to legally use and share your images. Alternatively, you can set this for each individual picture after uploading.
  4. Upload your images using the Flickr mobile app or using your computer browser. Make sure your photos are public.
  5. While or after uploading, add the tag: tacodataset. This will allow us to find it.

Guideline: Be sensible with your pictures: Avoid repetitive images, make sure objects are clear (feel free to use HDR) and bear in mind that images need to be segmented by a human, so please don't upload images of a landfill with hundreds of waste objects. No one in her/his right mind would annotate that. Aim for 1 to 20 objects per image.